
Cuban Observatory of Human Rights

The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights highlights social and economic hardships in Cuba, including poverty, hunger, and human rights issues, as covered by recent news articles.

Cuban Government Exiles Dissident Jorge Cervantes García
Cuban Government Exiles Dissident Jorge Cervantes García

Published on 9/12/2024

Cubans Condemn Díaz-Canel Over Culinary Event Amid Food Crisis
Cubans Condemn Díaz-Canel Over Culinary Event Amid Food Crisis

Published on 9/12/2024

Varadero Gourmet Kicks Off Amidst Cuba's Food Crisis
Varadero Gourmet Kicks Off Amidst Cuba's Food Crisis

Published on 9/11/2024

Mother Survives on Purslane and Herb Stew in Santiago de Cuba
Mother Survives on Purslane and Herb Stew in Santiago de Cuba

Published on 9/8/2024

Cubans Protest Removal of Water Pump in Ciego de Ávila Community
Cubans Protest Removal of Water Pump in Ciego de Ávila Community

Published on 9/5/2024

Cubans in Cárdenas Rally to Aid Long-Time Peanut Vendor
Cubans in Cárdenas Rally to Aid Long-Time Peanut Vendor

Published on 8/22/2024

Nomination Effort for Cuban Dissident José Daniel Ferrer García for Sakharov Prize Gains Momentum
Nomination Effort for Cuban Dissident José Daniel Ferrer García for Sakharov Prize Gains Momentum

Published on 8/22/2024

Cuban Mother Speaks Out: "This Country Isn't Moving Forward"
Cuban Mother Speaks Out: "This Country Isn't Moving Forward"

Published on 8/11/2024

Cuban Youth Provides Aid to Vulnerable Elderly Man in Artemisa
Cuban Youth Provides Aid to Vulnerable Elderly Man in Artemisa

Published on 8/4/2024

Cubans Expose Harsh Realities of Havana: "Poverty is Visible on the Streets and in the Faces"
Cubans Expose Harsh Realities of Havana: "Poverty is Visible on the Streets and in the Faces"

Published on 7/31/2024

Long Lines at Santiago de Cuba Banks for Cash Access
Long Lines at Santiago de Cuba Banks for Cash Access

Published on 7/24/2024

Help Sought for Girl in Extreme Poverty in Camagüey: "Camila Survives Thanks to Neighbors' Support"
Help Sought for Girl in Extreme Poverty in Camagüey: "Camila Survives Thanks to Neighbors' Support"

Published on 7/21/2024

U.S. Blamed for Cuban Migration Crisis: "It's Because of the Embargo"
U.S. Blamed for Cuban Migration Crisis: "It's Because of the Embargo"

Published on 7/20/2024

Cuban Man Hammers Home the Poor Quality of Bread: "We Soak It in Sugar Water"
Cuban Man Hammers Home the Poor Quality of Bread: "We Soak It in Sugar Water"

Published on 7/18/2024

Amnesty International Declares Cuban Professor Pedro Albert a Prisoner of Conscience
Amnesty International Declares Cuban Professor Pedro Albert a Prisoner of Conscience

Published on 7/8/2024

President of the 78th UN General Assembly Praises Cuba's Push for an Inclusive and Prosperous World
President of the 78th UN General Assembly Praises Cuba's Push for an Inclusive and Prosperous World

Published on 6/29/2024

Help Sought for Impoverished Children in Santiago de Cuba
Help Sought for Impoverished Children in Santiago de Cuba

Published on 6/4/2024

Elderly Man Searches for Food in the Trash in Santiago de Cuba
Elderly Man Searches for Food in the Trash in Santiago de Cuba

Published on 5/22/2024