
Cuban Man Hammers Home the Poor Quality of Bread: "We Soak It in Sugar Water"

Thursday, July 18, 2024 by Emily Vargas

A Cuban citizen showcased the poor quality of the so-called “bodega bread” on the island, although he clarified that his family consumes it because “we soak it in sugar water.”

In a video posted on the social network X by the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights, the individual stated: "Look, my people, they call this bread. This is from yesterday," he said while hammering it several times.

He even displayed a second piece. "This one is finer," he commented before mentioning, "you give this to a chicken and the chicken gets stuffed," which might sound like a joke amidst the dire conditions people are facing on the island.

Despite the well-known poor quality of the product distributed by the regime as part of the ration book, the Cuban, who did not mention his place of residence, stated that they eat it, but "we leave it soaking in sugar water for half an hour."

Continued Bread Quality Issues in Santiago de Cuba

Just a week ago, several images on social media demonstrated the ongoing poor quality of bread in Santiago de Cuba.

Independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada expressed his frustration on Facebook about the quality of bread in the eastern province. "I wake up to have breakfast and find this! If this is how the first meal of the day starts, I don't want to see the rest," he commented.

The journalist's followers confirmed the poor quality and stated that despite complaints to the government, solutions to the problem have not materialized. "This is a never-ending story," one person remarked.

It is important to remember that during times of crisis and flour shortages, Cuba sees an increase in bread made with famous "extenders" such as yucca, pumpkin, or sweet potato.

In fact, the latter tuber has been used in Santiago to make the bread dough that the state sells in a rationed manner through the family basket.

In February, authorities from the Ministry of Food Industry announced severe impacts on bread delivery due to delays in the arrival of wheat shipments.

"Financial restrictions mainly associated with the intensified blockade and logistical limitations that Cuba faces in bringing wheat from distant markets are the main causes of the delay in the arrival of ships with the cereal," explained a report from the National Television News (NTV).

Addressing Bread Quality Issues in Cuba

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the ongoing bread quality issues in Cuba.

Why is the quality of bread in Cuba so poor?

The poor quality of bread in Cuba is largely due to financial restrictions, logistical limitations, and the use of extenders like yucca, pumpkin, or sweet potato due to flour shortages.

How are Cubans coping with the poor quality of bread?

Many Cubans are soaking the bread in sugar water to make it more palatable. Some also use it as animal feed.

What has the government said about the bread quality issue?

The government has attributed the problem to financial restrictions and logistical issues, particularly related to the intensified blockade and delays in wheat shipments.

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