
Cuba Economic Crisis

Insights into Cuba's economic struggles, highlighting soaring inflation, skyrocketing food prices, severe power outages, currency devaluation, and socio-economic challenges faced by citizens.

Cuban Priest Shares Recipe for Long-Lasting Sampa to Tackle Food Crisis
Cuban Priest Shares Recipe for Long-Lasting Sampa to Tackle Food Crisis

Published on 9/19/2024

Reward of 40,000 Pesos Offered for Missing Mare in Guantánamo
Reward of 40,000 Pesos Offered for Missing Mare in Guantánamo

Published on 9/17/2024

Ulises Toirac Criticizes Cuba's Laws: Condemning Dissent as a Crime is Unjust
Ulises Toirac Criticizes Cuba's Laws: Condemning Dissent as a Crime is Unjust

Published on 8/29/2024

A Journey to Cuba: The Struggle to Buy an Egg - "It Feels Like a Meme, But It's a Tragedy"
A Journey to Cuba: The Struggle to Buy an Egg - "It Feels Like a Meme, But It's a Tragedy"

Published on 8/25/2024

Amarilys Núñez Condemns Customs Theft in Varadero: "A National Shame"
Amarilys Núñez Condemns Customs Theft in Varadero: "A National Shame"

Published on 8/14/2024

Power Outage Shocks Children's Hospital in Santiago de Cuba: "Yet They Waste Electricity on Carnival"
Power Outage Shocks Children's Hospital in Santiago de Cuba: "Yet They Waste Electricity on Carnival"

Published on 7/31/2024

Plummeting Value of Dollars, Euros, and MLC in Cuba's Street Market
Plummeting Value of Dollars, Euros, and MLC in Cuba's Street Market

Published on 7/19/2024

Sick Cuban Boy Sells Bracelets to Support His Mother
Sick Cuban Boy Sells Bracelets to Support His Mother

Published on 6/28/2024

Cuban "Iron Man" Delivers Aid to Elderly Couple: "Family Abandoned Them to Move to the U.S."
Cuban "Iron Man" Delivers Aid to Elderly Couple: "Family Abandoned Them to Move to the U.S."

Published on 6/20/2024

Pork Prices in Havana Soar Above 1,100 Pesos per Pound Amid Inflation Crisis
Pork Prices in Havana Soar Above 1,100 Pesos per Pound Amid Inflation Crisis

Published on 6/10/2024

What's Next for Cuba?
What's Next for Cuba?

Published on 5/29/2024

Cuban Man Plucks Black Vulture in Villa Clara Park to Make Soup
Cuban Man Plucks Black Vulture in Villa Clara Park to Make Soup

Published on 5/26/2024