Un Rey en La Habana
"Un Rey en La Habana" tag captures the heartfelt tributes and mourning for José Téllez, beloved as "El Chico Bombón," highlighting his impact on Cuban comedy.
Antolín "El Pichón" Mourns the Loss of José Téllez: "We Worked Together Just Yesterday"
Published on 1/16/2025
Cuquita La Mora's Heartfelt Tribute to José Téllez, "El Chico Bombón"
Published on 1/16/2025
Alexis Valdés Bids an Emotional Farewell to José Téllez, "El Chico Bombón": "I Love You, Brother"
Published on 1/16/2025
Cuban Comedian José Téllez, Known as "El Chico Bombón," Passes Away in Miami
Published on 1/16/2025