
Román Pérez Castañeda

Stay updated on Román Pérez Castañeda’s updates regarding the Antonio Guiteras Power Plant. Key themes: fuel shortages, maintenance, reconnections, and safety measures.

Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Plant to Halt Operations for Four Days for Maintenance
Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Plant to Halt Operations for Four Days for Maintenance

Published on 7/12/2024

Energy Minister Admits Fuel Shortage Impacting Power Supply
Energy Minister Admits Fuel Shortage Impacting Power Supply

Published on 7/12/2024

Fuel Tank Fire at Guiteras Plant Holds Ten Thousand Cubic Meters of Oil
Fuel Tank Fire at Guiteras Plant Holds Ten Thousand Cubic Meters of Oil

Published on 6/18/2024

Thermoelectric Plant Guiteras Reconnects to National Grid
Thermoelectric Plant Guiteras Reconnects to National Grid

Published on 6/3/2024

Guiteras Power Plant to Reconnect to National Grid "As Soon As Possible"
Guiteras Power Plant to Reconnect to National Grid "As Soon As Possible"

Published on 6/2/2024