
Ministry of Domestic Trade

Updates on the Ministry of Domestic Trade, addressing tense political meetings, delayed rice distribution, food basket shortages, and government sales initiatives to the public.

Havana Government Defends Closure of Chinese Wholesale Market
Havana Government Defends Closure of Chinese Wholesale Market

Published on 9/6/2024

Cuban Government Denies Rumors of New Measures to "Correct Distortions"
Cuban Government Denies Rumors of New Measures to "Correct Distortions"

Published on 9/2/2024

Government to Sell Appliances, Mattresses, and Furniture to Newlyweds in Camagüey
Government to Sell Appliances, Mattresses, and Furniture to Newlyweds in Camagüey

Published on 8/27/2024

Cuban Government Admits Basic Food Basket Shortages Due to Lack of Funding
Cuban Government Admits Basic Food Basket Shortages Due to Lack of Funding

Published on 7/19/2024

Rice Distribution to Eastern Provinces Delayed by Nearly a Month
Rice Distribution to Eastern Provinces Delayed by Nearly a Month

Published on 6/24/2024

Central Bank President: "Cuba Has More Money Than Ever"
Central Bank President: "Cuba Has More Money Than Ever"

Published on 6/20/2024

Minister of Domestic Trade Faces National Assembly in Tense Meeting
Minister of Domestic Trade Faces National Assembly in Tense Meeting

Published on 6/5/2024