
Federation of Cuban Women

The Federation of Cuban Women addresses critical issues impacting women in Cuba, including rising gender-based violence and socio-economic challenges. Stay informed on these developments.

Mother of Three Murdered in Aguacate, Santiago de Cuba
Mother of Three Murdered in Aguacate, Santiago de Cuba

Published on 9/14/2024

Cuban Government Sells Cow Bones for FMC Anniversary in Havana
Cuban Government Sells Cow Bones for FMC Anniversary in Havana

Published on 8/24/2024

Cuban Women's Federation Admits Rise in Gender-Based Killings Post-Pandemic
Cuban Women's Federation Admits Rise in Gender-Based Killings Post-Pandemic

Published on 8/20/2024

Catholic Priest Warns: "Violence in Cuba Reflects Frustration, Powerlessness, and Discontent"
Catholic Priest Warns: "Violence in Cuba Reflects Frustration, Powerlessness, and Discontent"

Published on 6/18/2024

Cuban Regime Encourages Anonymous Reporting of Non-Working and Non-Studying Individuals
Cuban Regime Encourages Anonymous Reporting of Non-Working and Non-Studying Individuals

Published on 5/25/2024