Cuba is currently facing an intensifying energy crisis, with power outages exceeding 20 hours daily in several provinces, severely disrupting everyday life. The lack of electricity generation, fuel shortages, and frequent breakdowns in thermoelectric plants have caused extended blackouts across all regions, leaving citizens without electricity for nearly an entire day.
In Holguín, reports from the Electric Company indicated that on February 13, certain areas experienced continuous outages for 24 hours, with an average disruption of 12 hours and 40 minutes. The most affected circuits included Nipe-Báguanos (19:48), Nicaro-Cabónico (18:12), and Canela-Pesquero 1 (18:07). Additionally, areas like Antilla 2, Caridad Iberia, Gibara 1 and 2, Cortadera, Antilla 1, and Banes-Nicaragua faced outages lasting over 13 hours. By the early hours of February 14, full service restoration remained unachieved.
In Camagüey, officials have implemented strategies to address the energy crisis by prioritizing electricity supply to hospitals and critical services, while the rest of the province receives power for an average of only three hours a day. Given the severity of the situation, classes have been suspended, and students from provincial centers have been sent home in stages. Furthermore, non-essential state institutions have been ordered to shut down to conserve energy.
Authorities have ensured that emergency generator fuel supplies are secure for health centers and essential services. Meanwhile, gas stations are operating with electrical plants during limited hours: from 7:00 to 10:00 AM and 2:00 to 5:00 PM.
Regarding food supplies, officials confirmed that sufficient flour is available to distribute basic basket bread on Friday in the city of Camagüey and on Saturday in the surrounding municipalities. However, the production of additional bread will depend on the availability of raw materials and electricity.
Amid the crisis, water pumping from the Máximo, Cubano-Búlgara, and Pontezuela reservoirs was partially restored from the afternoon of February 13, aiming for gradual water supply restoration in Camagüey by the weekend.
In Matanzas, a resident noted, "After 22 hours of blackout, power returned to Naranjal... then it went off and back on again." His remarks prompted several online users to share similar experiences. Comments included, "We are still in the dark due to a phase failure in the Armando Mestre district, going on 23 hours without power, this is unbearable," "Here in Versalles, it went off and on four times, and now at 11:17, it's back, but I'm sure it's temporary," and "In Pueblo Nuevo, we're standout; after 24 hours, it came back for 40 minutes and went off again, and hasn't returned since."
In Havana, the Electric Company announced that during the early hours of February 14, additional generation capacity was added to the National Electrical System (SEN), indicating a slight improvement in services. However, staggered outages will continue as follows:
Block #3 and #4: from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Block #1: from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Block #2: from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Authorities warned that besides scheduled outages, unexpected power failures might occur in emergency circuits due to failures in the SEN.
Understanding Cuba's Energy Crisis
What are the main causes of the energy crisis in Cuba?
The energy crisis in Cuba is primarily caused by a shortage in electricity generation, fuel deficits, and frequent breakdowns in thermoelectric plants.
How are authorities in Camagüey responding to the power outages?
In Camagüey, authorities are prioritizing electricity supply to hospitals and essential services, while non-essential state institutions have been closed to conserve energy.
What impact has the crisis had on Matanzas?
Residents in Matanzas are experiencing prolonged blackouts, with electricity frequently turning off and on, and some areas facing power outages for over 20 hours.