Mario Limonta, a celebrated Cuban actor aged 88, underwent surgery yesterday morning in Havana. According to Ariel Ordaz Zayas, Limonta's nephew, the procedure concluded successfully, as reported by Cuba Actores. Nevertheless, Limonta is currently in the "intensive care" unit as part of routine hospital protocol, but remains in a "stable condition," according to the same source.
Hailing from Guantánamo, Limonta is considered one of the most prominent figures in Cuban performing arts. His extensive career spans several decades, with significant contributions to the nation's cinema, television, and radio, cementing his status as a cultural icon. Together with his late wife, Aurora Basnuevo, known as "La Mulatísima," Limonta made an indelible mark on the beloved radio show "Alegrías de Sobremesa," portraying the memorable characters Sandalio “El Bolao” and Estelvina.
Another notable role was that of Sargento Arencibia in the program "San Nicolás del Peladero," where he performed alongside esteemed actors such as María de los Ángeles Santana and Enrique Santiesteban.
Continued Professional Activity Despite Advanced Age
As he approaches his 89th birthday, Limonta remains actively engaged in the artistic community. Currently, he is involved in two major film projects. The first, titled Estrés, is directed by Marilyn Solaya and is in the sound design stage. In this film, Limonta shares the screen with prominent actors like Héctor Noas, Luis Alberto García Novoa, Verónica Lynn, Isabel Santos, and María Isabel Díaz Lago.
The second project, Neurótica anónima, directed by Jorge Perugorría and based on Mirtha Ibarra's work, features a talented cast including Tahimí Alvariño, Bárbaro Marín, and Carmita Ruiz, among others. This film tells the story of Dulce Rodríguez, an usher at the Maravilla cinema.
Following the news of Limonta's surgery, numerous fans and fellow artists took to social media to wish the actor a swift recovery.
FAQ on Mario Limonta's Health and Career
What surgery did Mario Limonta undergo?
Mario Limonta underwent a surgical procedure that was completed with favorable results, although the specific details of the surgery have not been disclosed.
How is Mario Limonta's current health status?
Mario Limonta is currently in intensive care due to hospital protocols, but he is in stable condition according to his nephew, Ariel Ordaz Zayas.
What are some of Mario Limonta's most famous roles?
Mario Limonta is best known for his roles in "Alegrías de Sobremesa" as Sandalio “El Bolao” and in "San Nicolás del Peladero" as Sargento Arencibia.