A devastating incident unfolded in the municipality of Guisa, located in Granma, where a man assaulted his family with a machete before ending his own life. This harrowing event was shared on Facebook by Manuel Viera, who reported that it took place in the neighborhood of Los Pajales, near a location known as La Ovejera.
The attacker, identified as Israel, had previously been accused of sexual abuse by his stepdaughter and was incarcerated. "Upon his release, he attacked the mother and daughter with a machete and then committed suicide by hanging. There are claims suggesting the stepdaughter's accusation was unjust, while other accounts describe him as a man who abused his wife," Viera explained.
Both the mother and daughter survived the attack but are listed in critical condition at the hospital in Bayamo. The incident has left the community in shock.
"My son was at the clinic when they arrived. He mentioned that the most injured was the girl, who is 15 years old. A woman came with them and said that the girl's arms were in almost irreparable condition," shared Judith Miniet, a local resident.
"The first ambulance took the seriously injured girl. Her mother was transported in a second ambulance. She sustained injuries to her head and abdomen. They both lost a lot of blood and were in severe condition, though the girl was worse off," she added.
The tragedy has sparked a wave of outrage on social media.
Community Reaction and Details of the Tragic Event in Granma
What was the cause of the attack in Granma?
The attack occurred after the assailant, Israel, was released from prison, where he had been held on charges of sexual abuse filed by his stepdaughter.
How are the victims of the attack in Granma faring?
The mother and daughter survived the attack but are in critical condition in a hospital in Bayamo, with the daughter suffering more severe injuries.
What has been the community's response to the incident?
The community has been deeply affected by the tragedy, and there has been an outpouring of anger and support on social media platforms.