
Cuban in the U.S. Remembers Family During Christmas: "It Hurts So Much, Acere"

Friday, December 27, 2024 by Claire Jimenez

A young Cuban living in the United States recently shared a heartfelt video on social media, capturing the emotional struggle faced by many of his fellow countrymen who have left their families behind after emigrating. Marky Barrera, aged 24, was deeply moved when he stumbled upon an old photograph of himself back in Cuba, dining with his family on Christmas Eve. Overcome with emotion, he admitted, "Everyone gathered at the table," before expressing, "Damn, it hurts so much, acere."

More than a thousand Cubans resonated with his message, leaving comments of support and understanding. One mother empathized, saying, "The hardship of emigrating is real. We have lights, food, clothes, everything here, yet the most important things remain empty, dark, and missing: the soul and the heart."

A young woman shared her own experience, saying, "Yesterday, I hung up on my family, pretending the connection dropped, but really, I just wanted to cry. They were all together, and I was missing, and so was my grandmother."

Another man advised, "Explain to your past self that you are here because December 24th is just one day of the year, and the other 364 were torment in that disaster."

The Loneliness of Cuban Emigrants During the Holidays

This week, another Cuban in the U.S. shared an emotional message about the solitude and longing emigrants endure during the holiday season. "As the end-of-year festivities approach, for many, there will be no celebration. Many people are physically here, but their hearts are not," stated TikTok user in his video.

He explained that despite attempts to maintain the holiday spirit, the absence of family is always felt. "People are invited to the homes of strangers to feign joy, to take a picture at a table full of food and a heap of fake emotions. Once the photo is taken, everyone sits in boredom," he described.

Understanding the Emotional Impact of Emigrating

How do Cuban emigrants cope with the absence of their families during the holidays?

Many Cuban emigrants find the holiday season challenging due to the absence of their families. They often find solace in connecting with others online or sharing their experiences on social media. Some try to recreate family traditions with new friends to keep the spirit alive.

Why do Cuban emigrants feel such a strong sense of nostalgia during Christmas?

Christmas is traditionally a time for family gatherings and celebration in Cuba, which intensifies the feelings of nostalgia for emigrants who are separated from their loved ones. The cultural significance of these family moments makes the separation more painful.

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