
How Much Does Pork Cost in Havana as New Year's Approaches?

Thursday, December 26, 2024 by Christopher Ramirez

How Much Does Pork Cost in Havana as New Year's Approaches?
Roast pork leg (Reference image) - Image © CiberCuba

As the end of the year nears in Cuba, many families are still uncertain about what they will serve for their New Year's Eve dinner. Once the highlight of holiday meals, pork now has exorbitant prices at agricultural markets and foreign currency stores, making it unaffordable for much of the population.

At the 9th and F agro-market in El Vedado, Havana, the price list from the El Pollito butcher shop shows imported boneless pork leg at 1,000 pesos per pound and smoked pork loin at 1,100 pesos. In the same market, the Cancha Butcher Shop offers other meat products that have become luxuries, such as beef liver at 490 pesos per pound, pork ribs at 740 pesos, and turkey breast at 1,200 pesos.

Items like chicken mince, once a reliable staple in many households, now sell for 310 pesos per pound. Given these prices, a medium-sized pork leg or shoulder, traditionally served during these celebrations in Cuba, could cost around 12,000 pesos (approximately 70 MLC in state-run stores).

A photo taken in an MLC store shows the price of a pork leg at nearly 10 dollars per kilo. Cubans living abroad who use online stores to send food to their loved ones on the island should be aware that the price of pork leg is similar or slightly higher (depending on the company) than in MLC stores, plus shipping costs.

Last Friday, CiberCuba gathered data on food prices from several agro-markets in Havana and compiled a table of average values. Pork prices were already prohibitive: pork mass ranged from 1,100 to 1,300 pesos per pound, pork steak was 1,500 pesos, and pork leg ranged from 780 to 800 pesos. These already high prices have increased in just five days.

But it's not just pork. Chicken, once a more economical alternative, has also seen a significant price hike. A 2.5-kilogram package costs around 5,200 pesos, chicken breasts reach 5,000 pesos per kilo, and whole deboned chicken costs 4,800 pesos per unit.

Even eggs, previously considered an affordable option, are now priced at 3,300 pesos per carton (110 pesos each).

Understanding the Rising Cost of Pork in Cuba

Why are pork prices so high in Cuba?

Pork prices in Cuba are high due to a combination of economic challenges, supply chain issues, and the government's restrictions, which have led to scarcity and elevated costs.

How does the cost of pork affect Cuban families?

The high cost of pork places a significant financial burden on Cuban families, making it difficult for them to afford traditional holiday meals and maintain a balanced diet.

What alternatives are available for Cubans facing high meat prices?

Cubans may turn to less expensive protein sources, such as beans or eggs, although these too have seen price increases. Some families rely on remittances from abroad to supplement their food purchases.

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