Bárbara, a 36-year-old Cuban woman from San Miguel del Padrón, Havana, is facing the harsh reality of homelessness in Miami with her one-month-old twin babies. In a video shared on TikTok by the user Conductadade (@conductadade), Bárbara expressed her urgent need for help to provide for her children.
She recounted her journey to the United States, arriving six months ago after crossing the border, but has since been unable to find stability. While pregnant and nearing her due date, she sought assistance to secure housing but was only offered a temporary hotel stay for one month, with no long-term solutions provided.
“They told me I had to find somewhere to go afterward, but I couldn't because I was pregnant and about to give birth. Now, with two young children, working is impossible for me,” Bárbara explained, emphasizing the irregularities at her current accommodation.
She claimed that hotel staff are forcing residents to work despite lacking work permits, which she views as a breach of immigration regulations. Furthermore, the hotel only provides one meal a day between 12:00 and 2:00 PM, and missing this window means losing the meal. With only three days of guaranteed stay left, she fears being left on the streets without a safe place for her children.
“I have no family here and I'm unaware of how things operate in this country. I just want to make a life with my children,” the mother stated with visible anxiety. She shared her contact number, 786-968-7276, hoping someone might offer support during this challenging time.
This situation highlights the struggles faced by many Cuban immigrants upon arriving in the United States, especially those lacking support networks and basic resources for stability. The same TikTok profile also spotlighted Orlando Hernández Luperón, from Regla, Havana, who currently resides under a bridge in Miami.
In a TikTok video, Hernández expressed gratitude to the people of Regla for their support. “I thank the people of Regla for their support and concern. I'm here. The only thing I lack are the papers,” he stated, visibly moved. He attributed his homelessness to the absence of legal documents that would enable him to settle and improve his living conditions in the U.S.
Challenges Faced by Cuban Immigrants in the U.S.
What challenges do Cuban immigrants face in the U.S.?
Cuban immigrants often face difficulties such as lack of legal documentation, insufficient support networks, and limited access to housing and employment opportunities.
How can someone assist Bárbara and her twins?
Individuals can contact Bárbara directly at 786-968-7276 to offer assistance or provide information about available resources and support services in Miami.