Guantanamo-born comedian Miguel Moreno, widely recognized as “La Llave” for his iconic inspector character on the Cuban TV show “Deja que yo te cuente,” has captured the internet’s attention with a viral video. In his unique comedic style, Moreno humorously explains why the year 2025 might be hesitant to visit Cuba.
The video circulating on social media depicts Moreno, who is also a lawyer by trade, performing a sketch where he humorously attempts to “persuade” the year 2025 to make its way to Cuba. Part of his act on the show “La risa por delante,” the video has sparked considerable buzz online, with Moreno playfully addressing the uncertainty about Cuba’s future: “Look at the date; 2024 is nearly over, and I’m worried because they say 2025 doesn’t want to come here,” he remarks, setting an ironic tone.
Moreno’s satirical approach imagines a dialogue with 2025, which, according to him, is reluctant to arrive due to fear of what it might encounter: “I tell 2025, don’t be scared, come on over, you won’t find anything here,” he jokes, highlighting the island’s resource shortages. His punchline, “and if you do find something, you won’t be able to afford it,” underscores the widespread frustration with rampant inflation.
The humor in the sketch not only elicits laughter but also sheds light on the shared sense of hopelessness regarding the country’s future. In a nutshell, Moreno adeptly captures the nation’s complex reality with irony, prompting both thought and laughter among his audience.
Cuban comedians often tackle the island's most pressing issues in their work and on social media, infusing their characteristic blend of irony and humor. This past Thursday, Cuban actor and comedian Ulises Toirac shared a post on social media, reflecting with irony and pessimism on Cuba’s future. On Facebook, Toirac depicted the vicious cycle exacerbating the nation’s economic and social crisis: “No money / no fuel / no generation / no production / no wealth creation / no money.”
“Times are certainly changing,” stated Otto Ortiz at the start of his latest TikTok video, with his signature comedic flair. The Cuban comedian, now living abroad, used his recent experiences to humorously comment on the energy crisis affecting the island. “In the past, a Cuban would travel and first indulge in food and drink. Now, the first thing I did after leaving Cuba was soak up kilowatts,” he quips, referring to the dazzling lights and bright signs of his new surroundings. “I’m up to my neck in kilowatts, how delightful, brother,” he concludes.
Understanding Critical Humor in Cuba
What is the main theme of Miguel Moreno's comedy sketch?
Miguel Moreno's sketch humorously critiques the uncertain future of Cuba by imagining the year 2025 as reluctant to visit the island due to its ongoing challenges.
How do Cuban comedians address the country's issues?
Cuban comedians use irony and humor to highlight and critique the nation’s pressing issues, often reflecting the public’s frustration and hopelessness.
What does Ulises Toirac's social media post discuss?
Ulises Toirac's post humorously reflects on Cuba's economic and social crisis, describing a cycle of lack that perpetuates the country's struggles.