
Mother of Political Prisoner from July 11th Protests Urges Cubans to Rally for His Release

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 by Oscar Fernandez

Ailex Marcano Fabelo, the mother of political prisoner Ángel Jesús Véliz Marcano, who participated in the significant protests on July 11 and 12, 2021, made an emotional appeal on Monday for the Cuban populace to unite in seeking her son's freedom. Her concerns for his life and safety have intensified following the news that he has started a hunger strike at Kilo 9 prison in Camagüey.

Marcano shared a letter from her son on social media, in which he declares his hunger strike as a demand for prison authorities and State Security to honor the prisoners' right to be transferred to less severe regimes, ultimately allowing them conditional release. "I am in a state of starvation (hunger strike) to demand that the Cuban government, specifically the prison system and State Security, recognize both political and common prisoners' legitimate right to progress to a minimum-security regime and later gain conditional freedom," Véliz wrote.

Véliz’s letter warns that despite maintaining impeccable conduct, their progress is denied, asserting that Cuba is a society of rights. "This should not be so blatantly trampled upon, especially not against those who are imprisoned for thinking differently and demanding urgent changes for our Cuba," Véliz emphasized in his message.

An Urgent Plea from Exile

From her current residence in the United States, where she was forced into exile by the regime in May, Marcano called on Cubans to unite for Véliz's release and that of all political prisoners. "Ángel Jesús, like many other political prisoners, is denied penitentiary progress just for having different thoughts, for wanting a free Cuba, a better Cuba," she stated in a Facebook live broadcast. "What they are doing to my son is abuse, repeated abuse. They made us separate, and here I am in the United States, where I was welcomed. But my son is alone, almost completely alone there, with his ideas, with his firm beliefs."

With tears, Marcano implored "all Cubans of goodwill" to help secure her son's freedom. "Help, as is being done for the singer, El Taiger, whom I also wish the best for because he is a human being," she urged. "Demand freedom for my son, Ángel Jesús Véliz Marcano, who has been fighting for the Cuban people's freedom for three relentless years."

Desperate for Action

"Remember the prisoners as if they were yourselves. Prisons are living cemeteries. Please, SOS Cuba. Proof of life for my son, Ángel Jesús Véliz Marcano. I want him free," she cried out, overwhelmed by her son's situation.

Marcano revealed that her sister contacted Kilo 9 prison to inquire about Véliz's condition, only for Jordan Escalona, the prison chief, to insist on a personal visit before abruptly hanging up.

She reiterated her denunciation of the Cuban dictatorship and called for international human rights organizations to intervene. "Please, everyone who hears this video, share it. I am desperate. I am in the United States, far from my son because they made it so. Dictators, abusers! Proof of life for my son, for Marcano, my son, of whom I am proud, but I have absolute terror for his life. Freedom for Ángel Jesús Véliz Marcano, freedom, a thousand times freedom!" she concluded.

Enduring Injustice and Abuse

Véliz was sentenced by the Castro regime to six years in prison for alleged crimes of assault and public disorder after peacefully protesting on July 11, 2021, in Camagüey. He has endured abuse, torture, inhumane conditions, and illnesses in prison, which his mother has repeatedly reported to international human rights bodies.

Before being forced into exile, Marcano was a prominent figure among the families of the July 11th prisoners, demanding their unconditional release from the Cuban government. Her persistent calls for her son's and all political prisoners' freedom led to her harassment and detention by State Security in Camagüey.

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