
Comedian Ariel Mancebo Criticizes Otaola's Remarks on El Taiger: "You Went Too Far"

Sunday, October 6, 2024 by Madison Pena

Cuban comedian Ariel Mancebo, currently residing in Miami, strongly criticized recent remarks made by Alexander Otaola regarding reggaeton artist El Taiger, who remains in critical condition after being shot in the head last Thursday. In a video shared on TikTok, Mancebo voiced his outrage, questioning Otaola's sensitivity: "You went too far," he declared at the beginning of the clip.

Mancebo expressed disbelief over Otaola's comments, asking, "How can you say all that about a guy who's fighting for his life in the hospital? Are you crazy?" He urged Otaola to "release a video and apologize," emphasizing that Otaola "does not represent the Cuban exile community" and referenced the Miami-Dade County mayoral election results.

While Mancebo admitted he's not a huge fan of reggaeton, he underscored El Taiger's significance for many Cubans, including those close to him. "I know what that guy means to most Cubans. Even my family enjoys his music. You're speaking ill of someone who's dying," Mancebo added, conveying his discontent.

Controversial Comments Spark Backlash

Otaola's comments, made during one of his shows, sparked a wave of outrage on social media. The Cuban-American host discussed El Taiger's health condition and the support he's received, cynically referring to the gestures of solidarity: "Now everyone is a friend, now everyone wants the best for El Taiger, now everyone forgives and forgets, now everyone joins the prayer chain."

Furthermore, Otaola hinted that if El Taiger were to recover, he might have "special needs," which further fueled the controversy. In what many perceived as a callous and inhumane tone, Otaola added, "You all will have to help change the diaper, feed him, clean him, perfume him, take him for walks, so I hope all of you are willing, should El Taiger overcome this, to take turns hosting him for a month at each of your homes."

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