
Cuban Resident Exposes Massive Garbage Pile at Doorstep: "This Has Been Here for Over a Year"

Saturday, September 21, 2024 by Michael Hernandez

A family living in Santiago de Cuba has been enduring a massive garbage pile at the entrance of their home for over a year, without any resolution despite numerous complaints to various government agencies. The situation occurs on Serafín Sánchez Street, between 8 and 9, in the Flores neighborhood of the main municipality. Trash surrounds the house, leaving only a narrow path for entry.

"The stench from animal guts and garbage bags, or whatever they are, reaches all the way here. The smell of dead animals is unbearable," one of the affected residents told independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada.

The reporter shared a video on his Facebook page, recorded by the homeowner, showing the enormous trash heap covering the entire sidewalk, blocking pedestrian access. "Who do I need to talk to about this disrespectful situation right at my doorstep? But it seems like no one here cares about anything," the frustrated resident demanded in the video.

He continued, "This has been here for over a year: animal guts, excrement, all sorts of things are here for anyone to see. Twenty thousand officials have come by, and no one has solved this damn issue."

The man, whose home is on an upper floor, also has to deal with people throwing trash on the exterior stairs, which are littered with excrement, plastic bags, and even baby diapers.

"Since no one here seems to care, it's up to me because I can't even pass through my own front door due to the stench that's killing us here. I need to know who I should see to address this situation," he concluded.

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