
Bread Dough Trays Transported Through Santiago de Cuba Streets

Thursday, September 19, 2024 by Joseph Morales

Bread Dough Trays Transported Through Santiago de Cuba Streets
Raw bread transported through the streets of Santiago de Cuba - Image © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

A scene captured in Santiago de Cuba that, although unusual, is real and highlights the crisis faced by the people, as well as the absurd solutions offered by the regime: a cart loaded with nearly twenty trays of bread dough was taken out of a bakery and transported to another nearby for baking due to the lack of electricity.

Journalist Yosmany Mayeta shared a report on Facebook explaining that the photos were taken at the Tres Doncellas bakery, which, due to the lack of electricity, moved the dough to another establishment on Aguilera Street for baking.

Additionally, he noted that the unfortunate scene was captured on Tercera Street between Enramadas and Aguilera. The independent journalist wryly commented, "If you are a customer of this bakery, do not be surprised if the bread that arrived at your table this morning was this."

However, he also warned about the consequences of these makeshift solutions: "The raw dough traveled through several streets, exposed to environmental contamination."

With the increase in blackouts announced this Wednesday by the Santiago de Cuba Electric Company, it is not surprising that such images are seen in the eastern city. However, solutions will take time to arrive, as Cuba's Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy, announced that the fuel that could alleviate the crisis "is in Cuban ports," but remains unloaded.

Official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso shared on Facebook the statements made by the head of the department, ironically during the inauguration of the Third International Renewable Energy Fair.

Understanding the Bread Crisis in Santiago de Cuba

The recent incident in Santiago de Cuba has raised many questions about the state of basic services and the government's response. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to provide more context.

Why were the bread dough trays transported through the streets?

The bread dough trays were transported because the original bakery lacked electricity to bake the bread, necessitating the move to another establishment that had power.

What are the risks associated with transporting raw dough through the streets?

Transporting raw dough through the streets exposes it to environmental contamination, which can affect the quality and safety of the bread.

What did the Santiago de Cuba Electric Company announce?

The Santiago de Cuba Electric Company announced an increase in blackouts, exacerbating the challenges faced by local businesses and residents.

What is the current status of fuel to alleviate the crisis?

According to Cuba's Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy, the fuel that could help alleviate the crisis is currently in Cuban ports but has not yet been unloaded.

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