
Father Desperately Seeks Humanitarian Visa to See Critically Injured Son Struck by Lightning in Florida

Thursday, September 12, 2024 by Elizabeth Alvarado

A Cuban father is fighting to obtain a humanitarian visa that would allow him to travel to the United States to see his son, Adrián Chile, a 24-year-old who is in critical condition after being struck by lightning on a beach in Naples, Florida.

The tragic incident took place on August 31. Adrián was enjoying a day at the beach with his family when he, along with two other young individuals, was hit by a lightning strike. While the other two have since recovered, Adrián remains in a dire state.

His mother, Maylovis García, who was present during the accident, administered first aid and managed to keep him alive until medical help arrived. Currently, Adrián is connected to a respirator, and doctors have warned that the damage to his brain is irreparable. Despite this, they are doing everything they can to improve his condition.

Maylovis has only been in the United States for eight months and is facing this harrowing situation alone, as her husband, Juan Carlos Chile, remains in Cuba, unable to be by his son's side during these challenging times.

Community and Organizational Support

The family has applied for a humanitarian visa to allow the father to travel and be with Adrián. According to Univisión Noticias, several U.S. organizations like Solidaridad Sin Fronteras and Green Cross are supporting the family's visa application efforts.

Taimy Venereo from Green Cross stated that they are doing everything possible to assist the father in obtaining the visa. Additionally, they have initiated a fundraising campaign to help the family through this difficult period.

The family has also received support from Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart. His office is actively working on the humanitarian visa application for Juan Carlos.

Meanwhile, Adrián’s mother clings to hope, relying on the medical team's efforts to save her son's life.

The case has deeply affected the Cuban community in the United States, which has rallied to support the family in their time of need.

Key Questions About Humanitarian Visa and Support Efforts

In light of this tragic situation, several important questions arise regarding the humanitarian visa process and the support being extended to Adrián Chile and his family.

What is a humanitarian visa?

A humanitarian visa is a special type of visa granted on urgent compassionate grounds, allowing individuals to travel to another country due to emergencies, such as medical crises or family reunifications during critical times.

How can organizations like Green Cross help in obtaining a visa?

Organizations like Green Cross can provide legal assistance, advocacy, and financial support to help expedite the visa application process, ensuring that families can be reunited during emergencies.

What role does Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart play in this case?

Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart is actively involved in facilitating the humanitarian visa process for Juan Carlos Chile, using his office's resources to expedite the application and help the family during this critical time.

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