
Emotional Address from Uruguayan Ambassador to Cubans and Venezuelans

Monday, September 9, 2024 by Olivia Torres

Uruguay's ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Washington Abdala, delivered an emotional message to Cubans and Venezuelans yearning for a transition to open, inclusive, and democratic societies, and the end of the dictatorial regimes that hold power in their countries through violence and oppression. "To the Venezuelans, I can say the same thing I have told my Cuban friends, so many friends who today find shelter in Uruguay’s national territory. I only tell you to have faith, to have hope. We also lived through authoritarian, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic processes and we emerged from them," the diplomat said in a videoconference.

His remarks resonated during the event "Uruguay and Venezuela: Solidarity in Times of Crisis," held last week in the Legislative Palace of Uruguay. The event saw the participation of Cubans, Venezuelans, and Uruguayans who came together to discuss solutions to the Venezuelan crisis. "Freedom is not given away. Freedom is won and re-won, and when it is lost, it is a very painful thing," Abdala said in his address, reflecting on the path Uruguayan society took to emerge from dictatorship and build the peaceful and civilized coexistence that today allows them to be one of the leading countries in the region.

In addition to Ambassador Abdala, attendees heard from Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado, who remains in Venezuela advocating for the victory of Edmundo González Urrutia, supported by the votes from the past elections, while the elected president went into exile in Spain over the weekend.

Hope and Unity

"So I only say: have a lot of faith, a lot of confidence, because at some point an opening, a small window expands and the path leads to the complete window of freedom. One must have a lot of personal and collective confidence, and strong mental and emotional conviction," the diplomat added in solidarity.

In July 2021, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), an OAS body, condemned "state repression and the use of force" during the historic protests that erupted on July 11 and 12 on the Caribbean island.

In an intervention by the organization, Abdala stated that "what is happening in Cuba does not allow for delays" and warned that "time is running against the defense of the rights and lives of many people" on the island. In his then role as President of the Permanent Council of the OAS, the Uruguayan ambassador emphasized that "not knowing what is happening in Cuba does not mean that the dramatic events are not continuing. The reality, sadly, follows its course; it does not hide behind papers, statements, or delays."

"Venezuelans are all over the world, desperate... What is happening is the dramatic consequence of an authoritarian regime," Abdala remarked in December 2020 following the shipwreck in the Venezuelan Caribbean in which 23 citizens lost their lives while escaping the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

Key Insights on Abdala's Message

To provide a deeper understanding of Washington Abdala's remarks and their implications, here are some frequently asked questions and answers.

What is the significance of Washington Abdala's message?

Abdala's message is significant as it offers hope and solidarity to Cubans and Venezuelans facing oppressive regimes, emphasizing the importance of faith, hope, and collective effort in the fight for freedom.

Who is María Corina Machado?

María Corina Machado is a prominent Venezuelan opposition leader who continues to advocate for democratic principles and the recognition of Edmundo González Urrutia's electoral victory.

What was the focus of the event "Uruguay and Venezuela: Solidarity in Times of Crisis"?

The event focused on discussing possible solutions to the Venezuelan crisis and expressing solidarity with those affected by the oppressive regimes in Cuba and Venezuela.

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