
Desperate Plea for Humanitarian Visa for Cuban Child Battling Leukemia

Monday, August 19, 2024 by Aaron Delgado

Desperate Plea for Humanitarian Visa for Cuban Child Battling Leukemia
Jorge Esteban Reina Llerena - Image © Courtesy of CiberCuba

A desperate Cuban mother is seeking assistance to obtain a humanitarian visa that would allow her to travel to the United States for her son's medical treatment. Arlety Llerena Martínez reached out to CiberCuba to share the story of her seven-year-old son, Jorge Esteban Reina Llerena, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia when he was just one year and nine months old.

"There is no longer a treatment plan available for him in Cuba. He needs a humanitarian visa to travel to the United States for a bone marrow transplant," she revealed. "On January 21, 2019, we were informed that our child had cancer, and with this disease, he had a 75 percent chance of survival," she recalled.

Over the years, young Jorgito has endured the ups and downs of this illness, which has severely weakened his body. According to Llerena Martínez, after the initial diagnosis, he underwent invasive chemotherapy and oral treatment. Two years later, he suffered a testicular relapse, forcing doctors to remove a testicle, which reduced his survival rate to 40 percent.

In the past year, he experienced another relapse, causing his survival chances to plummet to 10 percent. "He is at home now, but his condition is critical internally," his mother explained. "He has been waiting a long time for his transplant, and his body is deteriorating. He has had skin lesions for two years because his weakened immune system prevents healing."

Jorgito spends all his time at home, unable to attend school, play with friends, or live a normal life for a child his age. Currently, he is on medication to prevent the progression of his disease, but these drugs do not offer a cure. Despite the treatment, he has had relapses. There is no treatment plan available for him in Cuba.

"The only option left is a bone marrow transplant, and we have been in contact with a doctor from Nicklaus Children Hospital in Miami who is willing to take on his case," she explained. "The doctor sent me an acceptance letter, and we started the process for a humanitarian visa with the help of a lawyer. They told us we need to wait for an appointment; but it's been four months, and we still haven't heard back. We are desperate," she emphasized.

FAQs about Humanitarian Visa for Medical Treatment

For families facing critical medical conditions, understanding the process and requirements for a humanitarian visa can be crucial. Below are some frequently asked questions regarding this issue.

What is a humanitarian visa?

A humanitarian visa is a special type of visa granted for urgent medical, family, or other humanitarian reasons, allowing individuals to temporarily enter a country.

How can one apply for a humanitarian visa for medical treatment in the United States?

To apply for a humanitarian visa for medical treatment in the United States, an applicant usually needs to provide medical documentation, a letter from a U.S. doctor willing to treat the patient, and evidence of financial support during the stay. The application process can involve working with an attorney to ensure all requirements are met.

What are the typical waiting times for a humanitarian visa?

The waiting times for a humanitarian visa can vary significantly depending on the situation and the volume of applications being processed. In some cases, it can take several months to receive an appointment and a decision.

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