
Cuban Government Reports Infant Mortality Rate of 7.4 Per Thousand Live Births in 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 by Mia Dominguez

Cuban Government Reports Infant Mortality Rate of 7.4 Per Thousand Live Births in 2024
Cuban Mother - Image by © Cubadebate

The Cuban Government announced on Tuesday that the infant mortality rate for 2024 stands at 7.4 per thousand live births, a rise compared to the 7.1 rate in 2023. According to the state-run portal Cubadebate, Dr. Catherine Chibás Pérez, the national head of the Maternal and Child Health Program (PAMI) of the Ministry of Public Health, reported that as of July 11, there were 34,648 births.

This total reflects a decrease of 8,157 births compared to the same period last year, while the number of deaths has fallen by 82 cases, from 340 to 258. However, last year at this same time, the regime reported an infant mortality rate of 7.9 (42,805 births), higher than the current figure, indicating some improvement.

It's important to note that 2023 began with a tragic hospital incident where ten infants from the premature unit at the Diez de Octubre Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital in Havana died—most due to the mishandling of a lethal germ. As a consequence, 22 officials are serving sentences, according to 14ymedio.

The same digital portal highlighted that the current infant mortality rate of 7.4 is almost double that of 2018, which was just 3.9. From 2012 until 2018, the rate was always below 4.6, reaching 5 in 2019 and holding steady in 2020. In 2022, the rate surged to 7.5.

Dr. Chibás Pérez also noted a decrease in maternal mortality up to July, from 42.1 to 37.5 per 100,000 live births. She emphasized the need to continue working to further reduce these figures and called for "a coordinated and sustained effort to consolidate the achievements in improving maternal and child health in Cuba."

For years, the PAMI program was a stronghold of the regime, but the ongoing crisis in the healthcare system has adversely affected infant mortality statistics.

Understanding Cuba's Infant Mortality Rate

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to provide a deeper understanding of the situation regarding infant mortality rates in Cuba.

What is the current infant mortality rate in Cuba for 2024?

The infant mortality rate in Cuba for 2024 is 7.4 per thousand live births.

How does the 2024 infant mortality rate compare to previous years?

The 2024 rate of 7.4 is higher than the 7.1 rate in 2023 but lower than the 7.9 rate reported at the same time last year.

What factors have contributed to the changes in the infant mortality rate?

Several factors have influenced the changes in the infant mortality rate, including a tragic hospital incident in 2023, a decrease in overall births, and the ongoing healthcare crisis in Cuba.

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