
Dany Ome on the Mend: "Find a New Nickname Because I Won't Be Chubby Anymore"

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 by Emily Vargas

Dany Ome underwent a gastric balloon procedure on Tuesday, a weight-loss treatment that leads to significant weight reduction in a short period. Through Instagram, the Cuban reggaeton artist kept his followers updated throughout the process and, after leaving the hospital, thanked everyone for their concern about his health.

"Find a new nickname because I won't be chubby anymore. I love being chubby; I did it for my health," the singer stated in the caption of his social media post.

Still feeling some effects of the anesthesia, Dany Ome mentioned that he was doing well and explained that he underwent this procedure for both health and image reasons.

The gastric balloon is a technique involving the insertion of a silicone balloon filled with a saline solution into the stomach via endoscopy, without the need for surgery. This method helps limit stomach capacity and assists patients in changing their eating habits and lifestyles.

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