
Sugar Shortage in Cienfuegos Despite Exceeding Production Goals

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 by Zoe Salinas

Sugar Shortage in Cienfuegos Despite Exceeding Production Goals
Sugar - © Cubadebate Image

A resident of Cienfuegos has reported a shortage of sugar for the local population, despite the province having exceeded this year's production plan. Yamil Cuéllar raised concerns on his Facebook page about why not a single grain of sugar has reached the local stores after what was supposedly a very successful harvest.

"With 32,000 tons produced out of the planned 29,000, the province has outperformed the rest of the country. However, these sugar achievements have been pointless, not even earning the dilapidated 26th of July. Where are those 32,000 tons of sugar produced in the province?" he questioned.

Cuéllar is convinced that all that sugar has been sent to Havana, as the government directs the nation's scarce resources to the capital. He noted that weeks ago, Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa and Machado Ventura visited several provinces, including Cienfuegos, "to remind local leaders of the tribute they must pay to the capital."

"Meanwhile, residents of Cienfuegos continue to go without sugar, except for those who can afford to pay exorbitant prices, either from a MIPYME or the informal market," he emphasized.

Sugar Distribution Issues in Cuba

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the sugar distribution issues in Cuba, particularly in the Cienfuegos province.

Why is there a sugar shortage in Cienfuegos despite high production?

The shortage is believed to be due to the government's allocation of resources to Havana, leaving other provinces like Cienfuegos without essential supplies.

How much sugar was produced in Cienfuegos compared to the planned amount?

Cienfuegos produced 32,000 tons of sugar, surpassing the planned 29,000 tons for the year.

Where does the sugar produced in Cienfuegos go?

It is alleged that the sugar is being sent to Havana, as the government prioritizes the capital city over other regions.

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