
Cuba Investigates Gas Deposits for Power Generation

Thursday, June 27, 2024 by Aaron Delgado

Cuba Investigates Gas Deposits for Power Generation
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Amid a severe energy crisis leading to endless blackouts, the Cuban regime has begun exploring several gas deposits for electricity generation. A report from national television detailed that specialized brigades from the Western Oil Drilling and Extraction Company have completed the construction of a platform where a drilling rig will be installed to locate volumes of gas intended for electricity production.

According to the report, studies confirm the existence of gas structures and provide approximate calculations of the reserve. Experts indicated that there are three wells in Puerto Escondido and two additional gas wells to the west, in what is known as the gas-oil development of the northern strip of western Cuba. The regime claims that the investment will enhance energy sovereignty by increasing the use of national resources.

Pressed by the onset of summer and the popular unrest caused by blackouts, the government is attempting to secure as much crude as possible to meet demand in the coming weeks, which coincide with school vacations. On Tuesday, it was revealed that state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) has begun using "invisible" tankers—ships that sail under the radar—to supply Cuba, due to the decline of the state fleet that has historically covered this route.

This information was confirmed by documents and ship monitoring services accessed by Reuters, which noted that for over a decade, Cuba and Venezuela had exclusively used their own vessels for oil transport between the two countries. Ships from Mexico have also arrived on the island. Blackouts, which were once occasional in Cuba, have become routine due to limitations in imported supply and logistical issues complicating fuel distribution to the country's aging power plants.

This has resulted in public discontent and repression by the regime. Cuban energy officials have stated that workers are fine-tuning and maintaining power plants ahead of the summer peak demand to reduce discontent.

Cuba's Gas Exploration for Electricity Generation: Key Questions Answered

With Cuba delving into gas deposits to tackle its energy crisis, several questions arise regarding the impact and feasibility of this initiative. Here are some key queries and their responses.

Why is Cuba exploring gas deposits now?

Cuba is exploring gas deposits to address a severe energy crisis characterized by frequent blackouts, aiming to enhance energy sovereignty and reduce dependency on imported fuels.

Where are the gas wells located?

The identified gas wells are located in Puerto Escondido and the northern strip of western Cuba, which includes three wells in Puerto Escondido and two additional wells further west.

How is Venezuela assisting Cuba in this energy crisis?

Venezuela's state-owned PDVSA is using "invisible" tankers to supply Cuba with oil, circumventing the decline in the state fleet that has historically transported oil between the two countries.

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