
Social Experiment in Havana: Wallet Theft with Witnesses

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 by James Rodriguez

Listillo Cubano, the name by which the popular YouTuber Iván Valdés Permuy is known, has conducted another of his social experiments in Havana, this time involving the theft of a wallet in front of witnesses.

With the help of another Cuban YouTuber who resides in Spain playing the role of the victim, Listillo chooses scenarios where there are people watching and steals the wallet from the back pocket of the shorts. His aim is to observe how the bystanders react to the situation.

Only in two instances did the witnesses react by exposing the theft and forcing him to return the wallet. The rest became accomplices to the crime, some even accepting money to stay silent and cover for the supposed thief.

Several internet users commented on the video, pointing out the social issues highlighted by the experiment. “It’s sad to see how almost everyone stayed silent and took the money. This country has lost all its values”; “This is something that has been lost throughout Cuba, it’s a general problem”; “This video is tough to watch, and what I didn’t like was seeing the majority taking the money”; “The sad part is seeing how different generations are corrupted by necessity and perhaps the education they received. The good part is knowing there are still good people in this country”; “It’s the sad reality of my country; instead of being honest and stopping the supposed theft, they collaborate,” some opined.

This is not the first time Listillo has conducted such experiments. A few months ago, the YouTuber made another viral video in which a young man supposedly drops money on the street.

Key Insights from Listillo Cubano's Social Experiment

This section addresses common questions and provides insights into the social experiment conducted by Iván Valdés Permuy, highlighting the public's reaction to witnessing a theft.

What was the purpose of Listillo Cubano's social experiment?

The purpose of the experiment was to observe how bystanders would react to witnessing a wallet theft, whether they would expose the crime or become accomplices.

How did the witnesses react to the staged theft?

Only two witnesses reacted by exposing the theft and forcing the return of the wallet. The majority, however, chose to stay silent and some even accepted money to cover for the thief.

What social issues did the experiment highlight?

The experiment highlighted a loss of values and integrity among the public, with many choosing to stay silent or accept bribes instead of exposing the crime.

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