
Cuban Filmmaker Seeks Aid for Grandparents Affected by Miami Apartment Fire

Friday, June 14, 2024 by Albert Rivera

Cuban Filmmaker Seeks Aid for Grandparents Affected by Miami Apartment Fire
Milagros and Fide - Image © Hansel Porras / Facebook

A young Cuban is seeking help for his grandparents, two residents of an apartment building that burned down in a fire last Monday in Miami. Hansel Porras García, a filmmaker, revealed on his Facebook profile that his grandparents Milagros and Fide lost all their belongings in the fire that occurred at the Temple Courts residential complex, located at 431 NW 3rd St, Miami, FL 33128.

"Imagine what it means to start from scratch at 70 years old," he said. "That wasn't just a building for the elderly; it was our family's home. It was the place that welcomed me on sad days, where we gathered to laugh and enjoy moments together, the home of our beloved matriarch," Hansel detailed.

Hansel thanked God that there were no fatalities and added that his family is now looking for ways to cope with the difficult situation. They need friends and relatives to donate what they can to help his grandparents, who lost "everything they had worked so hard to build in recent years."

"Our family is devastated by the loss of that home that united us so many times," he emphasized.

In recent days, other pleas for help from families of low-income elderly residents who have been left homeless by the disaster in Miami have emerged.

Journalist Ivette Leyva Martínez opened an account on the GoFundMe platform to collect money for her mother, Martha Martínez, who also lost everything in the fire. "After 20 years in Miami, at 76 years old and with several health issues, my mother is once again a refugee and will have to start over," Leyva explained. "I turn to the wide network of friends for their support after this tragic event. Any help is welcome," she concluded.

More than 40 residents of the four-story apartment building in Miami that caught fire on Monday were displaced from their homes. Many moved to relatives' houses, while others had to seek refuge elsewhere.

Local 10 witnessed the relocation of several residents, most of them over 60 years old, on Miami trolleys. Some were accompanied by their pets.

During the firefighting efforts, firefighters found a gunshot victim at the entrance of the building, who was taken in critical condition to a hospital. He was later identified as an employee of Atlantic Housing Management, the company managing the apartments.

Among those affected is Cuban singer María Antonieta Fernández, who live-streamed the moment firefighters and emergency services arrived at the scene. The artist was forced to leave her home in pajamas and couldn't save anything, not even the computer where she stored all her artistic material and recordings. She recounted that she was in the bathroom when it all started and that smoke entered her apartment very quickly because the fire broke out very close to her home.

"The firefighters knocked on doors, checking and evacuating those who couldn't leave on their own," she detailed.

FAQs about the Miami Apartment Fire and Aid Efforts

In light of the recent fire at the Temple Courts residential complex in Miami, several questions have arisen regarding the incident and the ongoing aid efforts. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers.

What caused the fire at Temple Courts?

The exact cause of the fire at Temple Courts is still under investigation. Authorities are working to determine the origin and circumstances that led to the blaze.

How can people help the displaced residents?

People can help the displaced residents by donating to GoFundMe campaigns set up by the families, contributing to local shelters, or offering direct assistance to those affected. Any support is greatly appreciated.

Were there any injuries reported during the fire?

One individual, identified as an employee of Atlantic Housing Management, was found with a gunshot wound at the entrance of the building and taken to the hospital in critical condition. No other injuries or fatalities were reported.

What will happen to the displaced residents now?

The displaced residents are currently staying with relatives or seeking refuge in shelters. Efforts are underway to provide them with long-term housing solutions and other necessary support.

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