
Cuban in Italy Highlights European Living: "No One Asks What's in Your Bag"

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 by Albert Rivera

A Cuban in Italy, known on TikTok as @elprofeperdu, has caught the attention of social media with a video where he responds to the question of whether he misses Cuba. In his words, the young man contrasts some of the things he values most about his current life in Europe with his native country.

"You think, damn, yeah, the family, the friends," the Cuban begins in his video, addressing whether he misses the island. "But how nice it is to walk down the street peacefully, without stepping in crap. The streets are clean, you walk calmly knowing no one is going to throw a bucket of water from a balcony," he continues, highlighting the first things he appreciates about his current surroundings.

"Here no one is screeching tires, it's civilization, man, that's education. You walk in clean air, the plants, cars that don't pollute, there's no smell of petroleum, no stench of garbage in the streets," he emphasizes, acknowledging the cleaner and more orderly environment in Europe.

The response has garnered numerous comments on TikTok, where several followers agree that the only thing they miss about Cuba is their family and they don't miss the street conditions or daily problems. Others express that although they miss their loved ones, the comfort and tranquility they find in their new homes is a significant advantage.

"I don't miss anything, just my mother"; "I only miss my family and friends, the few who are still there because everyone else is in the U.S., but here in Italy I live without the stress of no electricity, no water or connection; here, life is good"; "Very few have experienced walking down the street barefoot without their feet getting dirty," reads some of the reactions.

The Cuban TikToker also addressed interactions with the police and security in Italy: "The police don't ask for your ID. No one asks what's in your bag," he emphasized. This resonated with other users who shared similar experiences of greater freedom in Europe compared to the constant surveillance in Cuba, "exactly bro, the police don't even look at you," said one.

In the end, @elprofeperdu concludes with a reflection on the difference in social environment: "There's no music on the corners, no music from the balconies (...) Here in Europe, no one is judging if I'm wearing shorts, no one cares if I'm in a T-shirt," he added in his commentary, which provides a window into the experiences of Cubans abroad and how they adapt to new realities.

Living Conditions for Cubans in Europe

In the following section, we address some common questions about the experiences of Cubans living in Europe, particularly focusing on the contrasts with life in Cuba.

Why do many Cubans prefer living in Europe?

Many Cubans prefer living in Europe due to the cleaner environment, better public services, and a higher level of personal freedom compared to Cuba.

What are the main challenges Cubans face in Europe?

While many Cubans enjoy the advantages of living in Europe, challenges include adapting to a new culture, language barriers, and missing family and friends back home.

How do interactions with the police in Europe differ from Cuba?

Interactions with the police in Europe are generally less invasive and more respectful compared to Cuba, where constant surveillance and ID checks are common.

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