
Help Needed for Dog with Spinal Fracture

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 by Robert Castillo

Help Needed for Dog with Spinal Fracture
Milagros and her owner Daime Pérez Ramírez. - Image by © Collage Facebook / Daime Pérez Ramírez

An animal rescue group in the province of Villa Clara sought assistance on social media last Sunday for a dog suffering from a spinal fracture, expressing deep affection for the injured canine. "You deserve everything beautiful in this world, my Milagros," wrote Daime Pérez Ramírez in the Facebook group Sociedad Protectora de Animales en Cuba, while asking for donations of diapers, Desitin cream, wet wipes, and any contributions for the dog's recovery.

According to Pérez, Milagros is already receiving treatment and is currently awaiting results for a new veterinary evaluation. "She also has a wheelchair, but it can't be used at the moment," she noted. The animal rescuer mentioned that she has faced numerous criticisms for the love she shows toward the dog, which has affected the delivery of aid. "The only one suffering is Milagros," she emphasized.

Moreover, this situation compelled her to clarify on social media that, although she is employed, she is currently on medical leave, preventing her from working. This scenario, she explained, has led her to seek help to provide Milagros with all the necessary diapers and other supplies for her recovery from the spinal fracture. "I take care of her food and health costs," she stated.

In her post, Pérez mentioned that a person in Havana named Yaneisy is responsible for collecting donations and sending them to Villa Clara. She provided this person's address: Prado 106, between Genio and Refugio streets in Old Havana, and her phone number: 52597083.

Animal rescuers in Cuba perform a humane task by filling the numerous gaps that the regime is unable to address amid a severe economic crisis. Recently, the ARCA Foundation in Sancti Spíritus saved the life of a dog that had been attacked with a machete by a man. Since then, they have taken care of the dog and ensured its return to its owner, who now showers Yeiko with love.

These rescuers celebrated the dog's speedy recovery last Friday and shared an emotional video of Yeiko barking at the street.

FAQs about Animal Rescue Efforts in Cuba

This section provides answers to common questions about animal rescue efforts in Cuba and the challenges faced by animal protectors.

How can I help Milagros with her recovery?

You can help by donating diapers, Desitin cream, wet wipes, or any financial contributions. Contact Yaneisy in Havana at Prado 106, between Genio and Refugio streets, or call 52597083 for more information.

What kind of challenges do animal rescuers face in Cuba?

Animal rescuers in Cuba face numerous challenges, including a lack of resources, financial constraints, and criticism from the community, which can hinder their efforts in providing necessary care for injured animals.

Are there other organizations helping animals in Cuba?

Yes, other organizations like the ARCA Foundation in Sancti Spíritus are also involved in rescuing and caring for animals in need, often stepping in where the government falls short.

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