
Golfito de Alamar Set to Reopen in Havana After Years of Neglect

Sunday, May 19, 2024 by Christopher Ramirez

Golfito de Alamar Set to Reopen in Havana After Years of Neglect
The Golfito of Alamar back when it was starting to show signs of deterioration - Image © Video screenshot from YouTube by Himley Life

Cuban authorities are planning to reopen El Golfito de Alamar, a former recreational center located in the Alamar district of East Havana. For decades, this site was a significant recreational spot for residents of the area.

A report by the independent portal 14ymedio revealed that for several weeks, a state brigade has been working on reconstructing the old structures and clearing the overgrowth that had taken over the area after years of neglect.

According to a worker identified as Rolando, the efforts are part of a "community project" led by the state, with the goal of reopening the facility "by early summer." He noted, "Admission will be 200 pesos for those over 12 years old and free for younger children. All transactions will be in pesos."

Rolando added that the site will feature "a cafeteria, a ranchon, swings, a seesaw, and we are planting new greenery." Despite these efforts, 14ymedio reported that while some ramps have been repaired and holes cleared, the overall progress has been slow, and the area still resembles an archaeological dig site.

Rolando also disclosed a tragic incident from several years ago when "a little girl who was playing in one of the 'castillitos' died because the structure collapsed." He did not provide further details, and a colleague quickly warned him that he was "saying too much."

FAQs About the Reopening of El Golfito de Alamar

As El Golfito de Alamar prepares to reopen, many residents and visitors have questions about the project. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions.

When is El Golfito de Alamar expected to reopen?

The state aims to reopen El Golfito de Alamar by early summer.

How much will the admission cost?

Admission will be 200 pesos for visitors over 12 years old and free for younger children.

What facilities will El Golfito de Alamar offer?

The site will feature a cafeteria, a ranchon, swings, a seesaw, and newly planted greenery.

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